I woke up this morning being thankful for yesterday and looking forward to today. Yesterday we had an amazing day as a family. We sailed the pacific looking for whales and just taking in the beautiful scenery of Los Cabos. The most interesting thing is that one of the most beautiful moments that God created was not captured for IG. To the left side of the boat a whale jumped out of the ocean and did the most perfect somersault; he could have been in the Olympics. Out of the 10 of us on the boat, not ONE of us got it on camera! What’s funny is that we had our phones out and taking pictures and videos for IG earlier. However, the moment our phones were down, which is unbelievable that we all had our phones down at the same time, the whale performed. Lesson: The most precious moments in life cannot be curated for IG. Life is not to be lived on IG. God is still in control. We prayed for a sunny day with calm waters. In addition, I prayed for my son, who is obsessed with sharks and other marine life, to see a whale. God made that happen but not for IG. In 2019….live your life not a picture of it.